Carkour! v4.0.3

Kentucky Fried Pixels is still going strong, so you can still get early access to Carkour and 6 other games for $1.00! This includes all updates like the v4.0.3 we have just pushed out. This update is a little smaller than the last few as we step back and prioritize all the great feedback we got during the KFP jam, but don't fear, we are working hard to get more content your way. Version 4.0.3 of Carkour! brings:

  1. Zoom to level view (one of the most requested features in player feedback sessions)
  2. Faster Updates if you are updating through the App
  3. Additional SFX

Zoom to Level View

This has been consistently requested from playtesters every time we show the game. For a long time were were hesitant to tackle it, because we were afraid that it would have a cascading effect on a lot of different systems in the game. We have camera bounds systems, parallax systems, and screen panning systems that all relate closely to the main camera. With our backlog full of yet un-groomed stories, it seemed it was finally time to tackle this one. I'm so glad we did too. It adds so much quality of life for the player, and as we design larger and larger levels, it's only going to be more helpful. We ended up making 0 concessions to control schemes, or the other systems we were worried about affecting. We are really happy with the way this came out, and excited to see how players react.

Faster Updates for App

As of this build, we have switched over to properly publishing builds to with butler. This means that going forward, updates through the App will only have to Patch our changes. You won't have to download the entire bundle and extract it over your previous installation any more!

Additional SFX

We have started the process of logging and adding all of the places we are missing sound effects within the game. So over the next few builds you'll be noticing new SFX on UI elements, and various events in the game. Our goal is to tackle placeholder SFX for everything, and then make sweeps of updates to get all of our sound effects feeling consistent and "one-voiced."


Carkour! (Android) 39 MB
Version 4.0.3 Aug 15, 2018
Carkour! (Windows) 44 MB
Version 4.0.3 Aug 15, 2018
Carkour! (Mac) 44 MB
Version 4.0.3 Aug 15, 2018
Carkour! (Linux) 45 MB
Version 4.0.3 Aug 15, 2018

Get Carkour!

Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

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